Google’s new Chrome experiment turns your phone into a lightsaber so you can fight Storm Troopers

Because you can’t get enough Star Wars, Google is letting you turn your phone into a lightsaber so you can slay Storm Troopers on your computer screen. Yes, really.

Developed in collaboration with Disney and Lucasfilm, your story begins on a Star Destroyer where you use your lightsaber to escape the First Order. From there, it’s up to you to fight your way out armed with nothing but a lightsaber.

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It’s the latest Chrome experiment to take advantage of your phone’s accelerometer for browser-based fun. Previous experiments had us bowling and playing Pong — this one’s much cooler. All you have to do is login on your phone or desktop to start annihilating the original white walkers, too.

The experiment uses WebGL for 3D graphics, and WebRTC with WebSockets for communication between your phone and desktop. Because those are industry standard tools, you don’t have to worry about which browser or plugins you’re using!

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